Disability Alliance BC has been a provincial, cross-disability voice in British Columbia, supporting people, with all disabilities, to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in the community.
CCD is a national human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada.
The Canadian Centre on Disability Studies (CCDS) is a non-profit, consumer-directed and university-affiliated national organization dedicated to disability issues.
DRA is one of the leading nonprofit disability rights legal centers in the nation. Its mission is to advance equal rights and opportunity for people with all types of disabilities nationwide.
Community Information Online Consortium (CIOC) was a member-based non-profit consortium formed in 1999 to create, improve and support its online software so that its members can efficiently serve the public and fulfill their own mandates.
Inclusion BC is a non-profit provincial organization that advocates for the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual disabilities and their families.
The Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston supports the rights of children and adults with disabilities to participate in all aspects of the community. As practitioners, researchers, and teachers, we form partnerships with individuals, families, and communities. Together we advocate for personal choice, self-determination, and social and economic justice.
We provide a wide range of integrated health-care programs and services.
PovNet provides online tools that facilitate communication, community and access to information around poverty-related issues in British Columbia and Canada.
Our mission is to lead in the design and delivery of community-based services for persons with diverse abilities.
The purpose of the Family Support Institute of BC is to strengthen, connect and build communities and resources with families of people with disabilities in BC.